Maximilian Weiss, LL.M.

Attorney | Managing Director


Maximilian Weiss is the founder and managing director of WEISSWERT and a leading investor protection attorney. He specializes in resolving complex financial disputes and collective redress mechanisms.

Max has gained extensive experience in the field of securities litigation and how to bring mass claims for thousands of domestic and foreign investors collectively, within Germany and across borders. He has been and continues to be involved in some of the largest German securities litigation cases, where he has handled numerous proceedings brought under the Capital Markets Model Case Act (KapMuG), each of which involved disputed amounts in the billions of euros. His practice areas include shareholder disputes, claims for misadvice and investment fraud, asset tracing and asset recovery as well as advising investors and shareholders in connection with investment decisions, including the formation, restructuring, acquisition and sale of companies (M&A).

Max authors articles on the topics of complex financial disputes, collective redress and securities litigation and is a frequent speaker on the aforementioned topics. Having shaped the litigation landscape with groundbreaking actions such as in re Wirecard, Max is also a sought-after commentator for media outlets.

Prior to founding WEISSWERT in 2022, Max worked at a leading boutique law firm specializing in financial disputes (since 2015) as well as in the practice group of a Stuttgart-based corporate law firm. Then as now, Maximilian Weissā€™ practice has consistently focused on representing investors in complex disputes and complex transactions.

His clients include both companies and private individuals, particularly institutional investors and high-net worth individuals.

Max is a native German speaker and fluent in English and Spanish.

  • Advised and represented hundreds of institutional investors against an exchange-listed automobile manufacturer and its listed holding company for allegedly publishing false capital market disclosures; total amount in dispute: roughly 5 billion euros.
  • Advised and represented institutional investors against an automobile manufacturer for allegedly publishing false capital market disclosures; total amount in dispute: roughly 1 billion euros.
  • Advised and represented investors against an exchange-listed payment service provider, an auditing firm, and the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) in connection with balance sheet manipulations that had gone undetected for years, thereby causing damages in excess of 14 billion euros.
  • Ā Advised a foreign maritime shipping company on the relevant points of German substantive law to help defend against a claim asserted by a German bank as part of court proceedings in an offshore jurisdiction (common law).
  • Advised and represented investors in multiple proceedings against a major Spanish bank in connection with a post-IPO accounting scandal involving allegations of false primary and false secondary market disclosures and several million euros in claims.
  • Advised and represented German and foreign shareholders against an exchange-listed, internationally active furniture group in the context of various class actions in multiple jurisdictions (Germany, Netherlands, South Africa) involving allegations of false or omitted capital market disclosures.
  • University of TĆ¼bingen (1st Legal State Examination)
  • Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart (2nd Legal State Examination)
  • Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law, Chicago (LL.M.)
  • IE Business School, Madrid
  • Instituto de EnseƱanza Superior en Lenguas Vivas Juan RamĆ³n FernĆ”ndez, Buenos Aires
  • Debtwire (UK), 18 July 2022: "Adler crossholder group swells to include distressed investors as company faces potential litigation from shareholder damages"
  • Finance Magazin, 10 June 2022, "Adler-Ticker: Wie erfolgversprechend ist die erste Anlegerklage?"
  • Handelsblatt, 9 June 2022, "Erste AktionƤrsklage gegen Adler"
  • Finance Magazin, 25. Mai 2022, "Adler-Ticker: RĆ¼ckt Adler ins Visier der Staatsanwaltschaft?"
  • Bƶrse Online, 6. Mai 2022, "AnwƤlte prĆ¼fen rechtliche Schritte gegen Adler Group - Antrag auf Musterverfahren"
  • Finance Magazin, 6. Mai 2022: "Adler: Kanzlei reicht Klage ein und nimmt KPMG ins Visier"
  • Handelsblatt, 3. Mai 2022: "Mehr Eingriffe und mehr Ɩffentlichkeit: Der neue Kurs der Bafin"
  • Het Financieele Dagblad (Netherlands), 2 December 2020: "Tienduizenden Wirecard-beleggers willen claim tegen toezichthouder"
  • De Jurist (Netherlands), 23 November 2020: "Duitse toezichthouder wacht 'vloedgolf' aan claims om Wirecard-schandaal"
  • ARD PlusMinus, TV broadcast, 11 November 2020: "Wirecard: Klagewelle nach Bilanzskandal"
  • Sonntagszeitung (Switzerland), 16 August 2020: "Wirecard: Spuren fĆ¼hren ins Mafia-Milieu"
  • Die Rheinpfalz, 7 August 2020: "Wirecard-Skandal: Wie Anleger vielleicht noch Geld retten kƶnnen"
  • Stuttgarter Zeitung, 6 August 2020: "Haften Wirecard-PrĆ¼fer fĆ¼r den Schaden?"
  • ARD Tagesthemen, TV broadcast, 29 July 2020: "Wirecard: Das Versagen der Berater"
  • SWR Aktuell, TV broadcast, 29 July 2020: "Wirecard: Das Versagen der Berater"
  • ARD Mittagsmagazin, TV broadcast, 29 July 2020: "Schwerpunkt Wirecard-Skandal"
  • Cash (Switzerland), 25 July 2020: "BilanzfƤlschung: Schweizer Anleger beteiligen sich an Sammelklage gegen Wirecard"
  • Manager Magazin, 24 July 2020: "Anwaltskanzleien verklagen Finanzaufsicht - Das fatale Schweigen der Bafin"
  • Law360 (UK), 24 July 2020: "Wirecard Investors Sue Regulator For Missed Financial Issues"
  • Handelszeitung (Switzerland), 24 July 2020: "Schweizer Anleger klagen gegen Wirecard"
  • SĆ¼ddeutsche Zeitung vom 24 July 2020: "Milliardenklage gegen die BaFin"
  • SWR Aktuell, TV broadcast, 7 July 2020: "Wirecard-Skandal: Vertrauen, weil es eine deutsche Firma war"
  • Bƶrse Online, 1 July 2020: "Wir werden Zeuge eines der grĆ¶ĆŸten Wirtschaftsprozesse aller Zeiten"
  • Finanzwelt, 30 June 2020: "Wende im Wirecard-Skandal"
  • Frankfurter Rundschau, 26 June 2020: "WirtschaftsprĆ¼fer im Fokus"
  • Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland, 26 June 2020: "Wirecard-Skandal: Warum EY ins Visier der AnwƤlte gerƤt"
  • Accountingweb (UK), 24 June 2020: "EY facing calls to explain Wirecard failings as tech firm CEO arrested"
  • ZDF Heute Journal, TV broadcast, 24 June 2020: "Wirecard und die BaFin ā€“ Warum hat die Bankenaufsicht versagt?"
  • CNBC, Squawk Box Europe, TV broadcast, 24 June 2020, "We need better incentives for whistleblowers in Germany, attorney says
  • Der Spiegel, 23 June 2020: "Die 1,9-Milliarden-Euro-Frageā€œ
  • Manager Magazin, 22 June 2020: "Absturz der Wirecard-Aktie: ā€žFĆ¼r Anleger besteht ein Anspruch auf Schadensersatzā€œ
  • Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland, 19 June 2020: "Wirecard: Worum geht es in dem Milliardenskandal?ā€œ
  • Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland, 18 June 2020: "Wirecard manƶvriert sich an den Abgrundā€œ
  • Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 18 June 2020: "Wirecard-Chaos: Welche Rolle spielten die WirtschaftsprĆ¼fer?ā€œ
  • Frankfurter Rundschau, 18 June 2020: "Schrecken ohne Ende"
  • SchwƤbisches Tagblatt, 10 June 2020: "Banken sind vorsichtiger ā€“ Interview mit den Kirchentellinsfurter AnwƤlten Andreas W. Tilp und Maximilian Weiss"
  • Bƶrse Online, 8 June 2020: "Wirecard-Skandal: Erinnert mich an Kokain-AffƤre mit Christoph Daum"
  • Der Spiegel, 13 May 2020: "Kanzlei stellt Antrag auf Musterklage gegen Wirecard"
  • Wirtschaftswoche, 13 May 2020: "Erste deutsche Anlegerklage gegen Wirecard eingereicht"
  • Financial Times (UK), 13 May 2020: "Wirecard hit by shareholder lawsuit over disclosures"
  • Wirtschaftswoche, 7 January 2020:ā€Æ"Klagen wegen Dieselgate: Schadensersatzforderungen gegen Daimler steigen 2020 auf 1,8 Milliarden Euro"
  • Bƶrse Online, 17 December 2019: "Steinhoff-Prozess: Die Parallelen zu Wirecard sind unverkennbar"
  • Handelsblatt, 11 December 2019:ā€Æ"KlƤger wollen einen Vergleich mit dem Mƶbelkonzern Steinhoff erzielen"
  • Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung vom 6 August 2019: "Steinhoff-Musterklage nimmt Form an"
  • Der AktionƤr, Issue 23/2019, p. 39:ā€Æ"Hoffnung nach Milliardenbetrug"
  • Die Welt, 23 May 2019: "Musterverfahren gegen Mƶbelkonzern Steinhoff in Frankfurt"
  • Der Spiegel, 23 May 2019: "Fall Steinhoff wird als Sammelklage verhandelt"
  • Der AktionƤr, 12 February 2019: "Steinhoff: Jetzt spricht der KlƤgeranwalt"
  • CNBC Africa, Power Lunch, TV broadcast, 31 October 2018, "Steinhoff class action moves up a gear, how to be part of it"
  • eNCA TV (South Africa), Moneyline, TV broadcast, 28 October 2018:ā€Æ"International law firms join forces against Steinhoff"
  • Handelsblatt, 13 August 2018: "Steinhoff droht Milliarden-Sammelklage"
  • SĆ¼ddeutsche Zeitung, 8 August 2018: "Anleger fordern Milliarden im Steinhoff-Skandal"
  • IOL (South Africa), 22 July 2018, "Will Steinhoff shareholders get their money back?"
  • Forbes Africa, Issue July 2018: "The Struggle of Steinhoff"
  • Capital, 22 May 2018: "Milliardenklagen im Steinhoff-Skandal"
  • CNBC Africa, Power Lunch, TV broadcast, 20 April 2018:ā€Æ"800 shareholders have joined class action against Steinhoff, this is how much they want"
  • Fin24 (South Africa), 24 January 2018: "SA investors want to join Dutch class action against Steinhoff"
  • The Money Show with Bruce Whitfield, Radio 702 (South Africa), 21 December 2017:ā€Æ"Steinhoff shares plummet to new low on shareholder demands to #PayBackTheMoney"
  • Global Capital (UK), 20 December 2017, "Steinhoff disaster worries Schuldschein market as shareholders sue"
  • Bild, 19 December 2017: "Klage gegen POCO-Mutterkonzern - Anleger wollen nach Bƶrsencrash ihr Geld zurĆ¼ck"
  • ADR von Gazprom und Co. - Der Umtausch funktioniert, in: Bank intern Spezial (special suppelement to issue 51/2022)
  • Comment on OLG Stuttgart, judgment of 12.04.2022 - 1 U 205/18 - (on the prerequisites for offsetting gains when claiming out-of-pocket damages due to the breach of ad-hoc disclosure obligations in the case of a "pair trade", ie the purchase of shares and simultaneous short sales), in: EWiR - Entscheidungen zum Wirtschaftsrecht, 2022, pp. 421 et seqq.
  • Securities Litigation against VW and Porsche - The 10 Billion Euro Marathon Walk, in: Beate Gsell/Thomas M.J. Mƶllers (eds.), Enforcing Consumer and Capital Markets Law - The Diesel Emissions Scandal, Intersentia, Cambridge/Antwerp/Chicago, 2020, pp. 449 et seqq.
  • Die Prospektpflicht fĆ¼r Edelmetall-Investments kommt - Ende einer Branche?, in: Finanzwelt, issue 6/2020, p. 42ā€Æet seq.
  • Wirecard-Bilanzskandal ā€“ Amtshaftungsklage gegen die BaFin, in: Bank intern Spezial (special supplement to issue 32/2020)
  • Nach Wirecard-Bilanzskandal ā€“ Erweiterung des Musterverfahrens, in: Bank intern Spezial (special supplement to issue 27/2020)
  • Musterverfahren gegen Wirecard ā€“ Was AktionƤre jetzt wissen mĆ¼ssen, in Bank intern Spezial (special supplement to issue 22/2020)
  • Haftungsfalle Coronavirus: Was Finanzvermittler jetzt wissen mĆ¼ssen, in: Finanzwelt, issue 2/2020, p. 6 et seq.
  • VerjƤhrung von SchadensersatzansprĆ¼chen wegen der Verletzung von Ad-hoc-Pflichten (The statute of limitations regarding damage claims due to the breach of ad-hoc disclosure obligations under the German Securities Trading Act), in: Zeitschrift fĆ¼r Wirtschafts- und Bankrecht (WM), 2016, pp. 914 et seqq.
  • 18th Annual Rights and Responsibilites of Institutional Investors Conference, 14 March 2024, Amsterdam, Netherlands: "The expanding complexity and importance of the global shareholder litigation landscape"
  • Thought Leaders 4 Disputes Conference, 19/20 October 2022, London, UK: "Group Actions and Class Actions"
  • AIJA Annual Litigation Conference, 15 October 2022, Amsterdam, Netherlands:Ā "Management and practicalities of litigating in multiple jurisdictions in multi-party or class action proceedings"
  • 59th International Young Lawyersā€˜ Congress, 25 August 2021, Zurich, Switzerland: "Innovative Claims and Proceedings"
  • Banking law practitioners' seminar, organized by the University of Bonn, Germany, 29 October 2020: "Skandal rund um Wirecard"
  • DRRT Global Investor Loss Recovery Webinar 2020, 29 October 2020: "Wirecard - The Enron of Germany"
  • International Legal Institute for MTMP Webinar "Mass Damage & Access to Justice: New National Solutions", 10. September 2020, "Collective Redress in Germany"
  • IPA Conference "Loss Recovery tra Class Actions e Processi Penali", 22 November 2019, Bergamo, Italy: "Il caso VW"
  • Houthoff Class Action Seminar, 12 September 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands: "Collective Redress in Germany - overview and recent developments"
  • International conference "Enforcing Consumer and Capital Market Law in Europe", 23 May 2019, Augsburg University, Germany: "Panel Discussion - Practical Experiences with Dieselgate"
  • DRRT's 11th Annual Global Investor Loss Recovery Conference, 4 April 2019, Frankfurt, Germany: "Steinhoff: The Enron of South Africa"
  • ISLG Institutional Investor Conference, 30/31 October 2018, Johannesburg, South Africa: "The German Steinhoff litigation"
  • ISLG Institutional Investor Conference, 29 October 2018, Cape Town, South Africa: "The German Steinhoff litigation"
  • AIJA ā€“ International Association of Young Lawyers
  • IBA ā€“ International Bar Association
  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht im Deutschen Anwaltverein (Banking and Capital Markets Law Working Group of the German Bar Association)
  • Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht (Antitrust Lawyers Association)
  • Phi Delta Phi TĆ¼bingen e.V.

With a pioneering spirit and highly focused expertise, we are passionate about effectively asserting the rights and protecting the assets of the investors and bank clients we represent.

Whatever we do, our goal is to achieve the best possible economic result for our clients, and to do so expeditiously and cost-effectively.

Maximilian Weiss, LL.M.

Attorney | Managing Director
